Rincón is a town located in the west side of the island of Puerto Rico. It has a population of approximately 15,200 and its main industry is tourism. Its beaches are world-renown for surfing.
Rincón has been chosen as a pilot community of the PRRP because of its pioneer environmental efforts, being the first Municipality in Puerto Rico to ban the distribution of plastic bags type T. These plastic bags affect marine life, bodies of water, drainage systems and landfills. The prohibition of plastic bags has been developed through Proyecto Verde Rincón. Members of the PRRP have actively participated in the development of this innovative initiative and we hope that soon more Municipalities will follow in this example.
Rincón has been chosen as a pilot community of the PRRP because of its pioneer environmental efforts, being the first Municipality in Puerto Rico to ban the distribution of plastic bags type T. These plastic bags affect marine life, bodies of water, drainage systems and landfills. The prohibition of plastic bags has been developed through Proyecto Verde Rincón. Members of the PRRP have actively participated in the development of this innovative initiative and we hope that soon more Municipalities will follow in this example.
Where is Rincón?
Learn more about this project
- You can read the City Ordinance (in Spanish) here.
- News: "Rincón first PR town to Ban Plastic Bags"
- Proyecto Verde Rincón on Facebook.
Beach Cleanup in Rincón 2016 as part of the Trash Free Waters Initiatives
Beach Cleanup in Rincón 2015
GREEN-PR Volunteers and people from Rincón worked on a beach cleanup, where they gathered bottles filled with cigarette butts that will no longer go to the Ocean.
GREEN-PR Volunteers and people from Rincón worked on a beach cleanup, where they gathered bottles filled with cigarette butts that will no longer go to the Ocean.